Thursday, August 9, 2012

Mari and I Take the Taj

AAAHHHH!!! Mari came to visit me! That is right, she took a week out of her busy REAL world life and flew to India.

After some confusion (my fault of course) I successfully picked her up from the airport and we made our way back to my flat. After a shower, a snack and a quick pep talk from me about kicking jet lag in the teeth, Mari and I went out that night to a YPO/WPO event. It was their year end event where they give out awards and have a party. It was a lot of fun, they had some famous Bollywood guy come in and sing. This of course caused all the girls to rush to the stage and fawn over him as he serenaded them. They had cuisines from four or five different nations (Mari sprinted for the Indian while I wavered around Italian and Chinese) that was absolutely superb. And to top it off, they had a top shelf open bar.

The following day, we set off to Agra, home of the Taj Mahal. It was a fairly simple three hour drive that was handled by a hired driver. Upon arriving we were talked into taking a tour of the Taj that day because apparently there was some holiday the next day and it would be impossible to see it. The tour was good, it was hotter than Hades... like I should have thrown my shirt away hot. But it was nice to see it up close and hear about the history and all that nonsense. And of course we got plenty of pictures.

The next morning we were set to take another tour of the Taj. This time a sunrise tour. Everyone I spoke to told me that it was a must, so I got that set up through the hotel and we were off. It really was worth it. If you ever get a chance to visit the Taj, please take the tour at sunrise. Even though we had to get up at 4:30am, it is so pretty and brings a whole new view to the building... also it is much cooler.

The Princess Diana bench

After the Taj we took a tour of the Agra Fort. It was built by the same guy who built the Taj, which is where he was later imprisoned by his son. Two thirds of the fort is still being used by the military and therefore off limits to civilians, but the 1/3 we were able to see was pretty cool.

The view from the old kings room. At least his son was nice enough to let him view the Taj from his prison room.

So we were told that this was known as the pleasure garden. Apparently there were naked women wandering around here and the wine was endless

This was my favorite part. This is a double mote. The first mote was filled with water and had crocs and other terrifying water animals. The second mote was filled with wild animals like lions, panthers, and other ferocious beasts. I want to have a double mote one day. I think that is the definition of success.

We finished our trip to Agra and prepared to make our way to Jaipur. That post will follow in the coming days. We had a blast in Agra and I highly recommend going if you ever have the opportunity. Also, look at this UNREAL view we had from our hotel room.

And here is Mari looking like a model in the hotel pool. Seriously, look how beautiful she is.

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