Sunday, December 22, 2013

So I moved to the other side of the world...

"Welcome to Australia!" Was the first sign I saw as I deboarded the massive 747 after haphazardly stumbling down the jet way wearing clothes that reeked of 36 hours of travel in coach. I had finally made it to the land down under... again.

I know that I promised everyone regular updates to my blog just as I have done with my previous travels. But I have let you down once more. So, here is a two month one week and five day late blog post.

I settled in quickly to the house I have been staying in. A quaint little cottage in the very eclectic suburb of West End. I spent the first two weeks sleeping on a "swag"in a furnitureless house, eating my meals while standing at the kitchen counter. Thankfully, I was dispatched with a U-haul-esk truck to pick up a mattress and furniture only a few weeks into my stay. So I am now in a house that is furnished... just in time for me to move out.

The job hunt got off to a slow start. I began by abusing every possible contact I had down here begging for an opportunity to show them how important social media was. Interview after interview, office tour after office tour, nothing seemed to be the right fit. If you are looking for a quick way to feel down about your prospects, try getting turned down for four jobs in a month and a half time. All bad things do come to an end though, one turn down turned into a reference, which turned into a week of work experience, which turned into a three month PAID internship, which could turn into a full time job.

The potential full time job in question is with the major news paper in Queensland, The Courier-Mail. I am working with their social media team, designing posts for multiple platforms and trying to increase their reach and engagement numbers. And it is quite the learning experience.
You guys came this far, here is a picture of a penguin in a Christmas tree costume

I had a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner. I had originally intended to just grab a turkey sandwich and call it a day, but at the persistent nagging of one of my newly found friends, I planned a whole dinner. I was quite a bit nervous, seeing as I had never cooked Thanksgiving dinner before. I have always been the designated bartender/wine pourer at the family gathering. But I did not have to impress anyone who had a Thanksgiving dinner before, because they were all foreigners (one German, one Mexican, and one Australian). So with the help of his culinary holiness Alton Brown, I was able to make a delicious meal. 

I have also been lucky enough to spend some time on the coast in Byron Bay with my ever so gracious housemate. The house we stayed at was beautiful and the company was even better. There was a local surf festival while we were there as well, but we really didn't make it down that far.

For the moment, I believe that is all. I do have to get ready to leave for work now. But I will do my very best to continue with regular blog updates. Feel free to comment or leave questions, I know I have left so much out, but I am happy to answer any questions you may have. Sorry for the length, I hope the pictures made it a little easier to manage. Here is one final picture. I may have left Ohio, but Ohio has not left me.

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