Thursday, July 8, 2010

First day driving!

ok, sooo, i drove my sweet car today. I have decided to name her Gertrude; and she is quite beautiful! I took her for a drive today with two of my other friends. We just got on the M1 (highway) and started driving towards the beach. We got distracted by a sign with a manatee on it and wanted to go see it. We failed, but ended up finding a wildlife reserve and got to see a couple of wild animals in the the wild. We saw a wallaby, a kookaburra, and some other crazy random birds. then we made our way home and that is the night. Any ways, yesterday i went to school and got my classes figured out. I have class Monday thru Thursday, but i finish at noon on Thursday. so i have a 3 1/2 day weekend. so no complaints there. Other than that, i really have not done anything exciting. I have just been walking around the city trying to get to know everything around here. I think things are going quite well, i like my apartment so i got lucky there. This city is beautiful and so much fun. it reminds me a lot of Toronto, Canada. It is very clean and orderly, but there is some decent night life. Tomorrow a group of us are going to the Sunshine Coast to do some surfing. so a nice early morning drive up north to some warmer weather for some surfing then back again later that night. So that is all for right now, i will be sure to let you know how my surfing fiasco goes.

ok, i tried to upload some images... but it did not work. so make sure you check them out on facebook

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