Monday, July 12, 2010

I forgot I came here for school

so the other day i went over to the school to get my ID card and all that fun stuff. What i forgot was that i had to sign up for classes... ugh, why cant this just be a long vacation?! I had a bunch of classes ok'ed by QUT and Miami so i had plenty to choose from, it just came down to the days i wanted to be in school. And as most of you know, i am not a big fan of friday classes (or classes at all for that matter) so i did my very best to have friday off. once that was accomplished i thought... i wonder if i can have a 4 day weekend? Turns out i cant, The best i could do was out of class by 12 on Thursday, so a 3 1/2 day weekend is not bad at all. I have signed up for Business Law, Emerging Technology, Marketing, and Australian Society and Culture. So i should have a fairly easy schedule, minus the two business classes.
Yesterday we had to do a whole bunch of orientation things and have them tell us not to binge drink, and dont get raped, and make sure we go to class. the normal bit you get when you are a freshman. the only difference was that this meeting took 4 hours.... with no breaks. and all international students. so that got old real quick.
Well, the only new news is that tonight i am going on a Brisbane River Cruise with all the international students. So that should be a whole bunch of fun. There is a meal, bar, and dance floor all on the boat. I doubt i will be bored, so i will do my best to find my camera and take some pictures.
Thats all for now folks. Enjoy your night/day

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