Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Dull week before Chaos

Not much has been going in the past week. The only exciting update that I can give you is that I spoke far to soon when I said "Worry you not, even after many more street food vendors in Old Delhi, I can happily report that I have not experienced 'Delhi Belly'".

The Fourth went off without a hitch. I enjoyed some delicious American made Jim Beam Bourbon with some Coca-Cola. I was going to have a cigar but it was just too damn hot out to sit outside comfortably. I had (sadly) a big Indian dinner and called it an early night after pestering Christina Thomas online for a little bit. 

The following day is when things took a turn for the worst. I am aware that some of my pain was my hangover. But I will say that I took my Ibuprofen and had quite a bit of water. By noon my head ache was gone, but my stomach was wrenching like no other. I finally got home around 6pm, I had no dinner and even more water. I went to bed at 7 because I knew I had to take a tour of a Ferno distributor the next day. The tour was not till 1pm... I slept till 11am. I felt much better when I woke up. The tour went great, and I felt fine the whole time... until I got back to my flat that evening. Thankfully the weekend was here and I could sleep. Anjali Rai (daughter of the YPO member at the university) was kind enough to send over some medication to help me feel better. It helped so much. Sunday rolled around and I was almost 100% back to normal.

So that was my exciting past week. Much of it was spent in bed or in the bathroom... Thankfully, the next 2 weeks are exciting.

This Friday I am flying to Goa with Daniela to have a little weekend get-a-way. Goa is like a big beach city with a couple tourist attractions. I plan on being 1 of 3 places at any given time this weekend... the beach, the spa, or my bed. I know, sounds rough, but someone has to do it. So I should have a post up on Goa come Monday or Tuesday, but no promises. 

Next weekend is the weekend I am looking forward to more than any other... On Saturday the 21st Mari will be flying in to spend a week with me. I am giddy with excitement. I have already booked the hotels and all the activities we will be doing while she is here. So that is a post you should be looking forward to. 

Until then, please take time to enjoy some of the music I have had to endure while here.

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