Thursday, February 13, 2014

Things I Have Learned About People via Social Media Part 2

Edit: I have recently come across this and I agree with all of it. I hope it brought a smile to your face and you enjoyed my late blog post. I will have a new post of soon!

Edit 2: I received this message today while at work. This is a PERFECT example of Lesson 3.
If you can't read the text, the guy who sent the message is claiming that he is in the picture he attached to the message. He is asking us to take it down because he does not want others to see him in it. The picture thumbnail is the entirety of the picture... So he is either claiming that he is one of the snakes or the faceless torso and hands holding the snakes. Also, this is a picture that was taken by one of the photographers at the company, and consent forms have been signed for all people photographed... so it is not him. Man I love the internet.

Lesson 6: Sailors have cleaner mouths than most of you- If I went ten minutes without reading a swear word of any sort, I think I would have a mental break down. I don't think people know those words are optional and rarely strengthen the point you are trying to make. I even have a filter set on the company page to instantly hide all posts with swear words in it, but if you refer back to Lesson 1 (People are dumb), you will remember that these moronic barely evolved monkeys can't spell. So I get to comb through their stupidity and hide comments like "fcuk", "asss", "biches" etc...

Lesson 7: If it is not happening to them, it is not happening to anyone- Also seen as, "I didn't see/hear/know about it before you, it is fake". This goes back to Lesson 3. If the FB page posts about a heat wave in X city, I can guarantee you someone in Y city will post saying something along the lines of "That's not happening here, what is this sh*t. Why don't you find something that is actually happening". Even if a referenced account is verified, people instantly call out FAKE at the top of their lungs. As if I took precious time out of my day to doctor some D-list celebrities twitter post for the sake of click though stats. Don't... just stop.

Lesson 8: They think you care if they unfollow you- I am managing a page that has over 60,000 likes (while not massive, it is comparatively big). On average, there are 70 unlikes and 500 new likes per day. Around 50 of those unlikes feel it is their obligation to inform me they are unliking the page. Most of the time with no reasoning. Just a simple message or post saying "I've had enough... UNLIKE!". Sorry to burst your bubble princess, but I don't care. The internet is a free place; like, unlike, favorite, report, post, friend, unfriend whoever and whatever you want. That is the joy of this lawless wild west that is the internet. By informing me of your departure, do you think I am suddenly going to change everything and come to you hat in hand begging for you to come back to me? Not a chance. Click the button and move on, we don't care to hear your pity party as you sulk out of the room.

Lesson 9: Animals and storms rule the internet- We all know cats are the official mascot of the internet, but there seems to be a changing of the guard taking place. I am amazed at how well posts do when there is an animal, or a picture of a storm cloud/lightning. Now this maybe something that is specific to Australia or Queensland or even Brisbane, but the reach and engagement that I see with animal or storm pictures is unreal. Not complaining in the least, just surprises me that something so commonplace draws so much attention, and holds attention for so long.

Lesson 10: People are good- I know I said they were dumb back in Lesson 1, they swear like drunken angry sailors in Lesson 6, and they are self-important in Lesson 3, but as a whole they are good. They respond to posts in encouraging manners. They stand up for people that are being victimised or bullied. Over all, people on social media are encouraging challenging conversation and progressing the human psyche. So thank you all for being a part of that and thank you for allowing me to pursue a "job" like "Social Media Manager". I hate/love dealing with you people and I have learned so much about the way we act in public, private, and where we think is private.

I hope you enjoyed the lessons that I have learned. I also hope that you regularly take into consideration the person that is sitting on the other end of the magic internet tubes that is reading all of the posts, comments, and messages. Remember that majority of the time they have nothing to do with any of the operations of the company and are simply being paid to increase brand awareness and customer engagement.

I will be back to my regular...ish blogs soon, where I will update you will all the new happenings on the other side of the world. Enjoy!

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