Monday, August 30, 2010

What an awful weekend

So this past weekend was absolutely awful! Thursday is technically when my weekend starts, and to start my weekend I had to leave my one and only class early because I did not think I would be able to make it through the entire thing.

It was a nice day out, partly cloudy, with a temperature around 68 degrees. As I was barely stumbling back to my apartment at 10:45 a.m. drenched in sweat. I felt horrible, I considered jumping into the Brisbane river on the way back just to stop the pain, and to put that into perspective... there are sharks in the water that was 35 feet below the bridge. After making it back to my room I downed a couple bottles of water and ran through the shower. I slept for as long as I could in the direct line of the air conditioning only to wake up once again drenched in sweat.

I had a temperature of 99.9 the first night I took it. I drank more water, slept a full night and took some advil only to wake up the next morning with a temperature of 101.4. I could not win, I stayed in bed the entirety of the weekend either sweating or getting horrible shakes. On the bright side, I think I lost 15 lbs... mainly because I could not eat.

Things to look forward to.
1. Getting a different car for a temporary time tomorrow. It is a 6 wheeled car (not a duely truck). I will be sure to include pictures on my next update of my new driving conquest.
2. River fire this weekend. Heaps of fireworks over the Brisbane River, and they do a dump and burn with a jet fighter. Which is when they drop a stream of gas from a fighter jet and they burn it as it falls. I hear it is crazy cool.
3. Turning in my Marketing project on Russia!!!

Monday, August 23, 2010

I am a negligent blogger

So, after a two week hiatus I have returned to you with some exciting news... well, not really, just the run of the mill travel update. Two weeks ago I went to a local rugby league game with some guys from Ferno. We had just a lovely time watching the game, eating some good food, and enjoying some refreshing libations. On a sad note, our team lost quite badly, never-the-less, a good time was had by all.

Just this past weekend I ventured to Sydney to do some touristy stuff like the harbour bridge and the Opera house. I met up with some Culver people (Rogelio Lemarroy and Alex Bell) and had an awesome time with both of them. Alex was my very well prepared tour guide, taking me to Bondi beach and the Blue mountains, as well as some fantastic downtown Sydney driving tours. While Rogelio and his friends refreshed my spanish all weekend with some crazy cool clubs and some mind boggling delicious kebabs. This past weekend has easily been the best weekend I have had in Australia (Katie, yours was a close second). It was nice to see some familiar faces even if I had not seen them for years before this past weekend. I truly can not wait to go back in three weeks for the last tri-nations game and enjoy the city once again.

And once again I am tired of Blogger and am not going to bother to try and figure out how to upload pictures and just provide you with a link

Elin, as promised, posted before midnight my time

Monday, August 9, 2010

New Zealand ski trip

This past weekend I went to New Zealand for a little skiing. A simple 3 hour flight over, stay in a hotel and drive up the mountain the next morning and hit the slopes. I landed in Christchurch thursday night then got up early the next morning and drove to Methvan about an hour and a half away. Again, I am making this a little easier to reference...

View Larger Map

It was a lovely and simple drive. Checked into the hotel and headed strait for the slopes in my makeshift ski gear; which was comprised of sweat pants that were under some track pants, and a Culver hoodie under my North Face. Worked out pretty well to tell you the truth. After my two days of skiing I drove back to Christchurch and went to the pubs to watch the All Blacks v. The Wallabies (all blacks won).

The following morning I got up and headed out to the Antarctic Centre to look at some penguins and what have you. They were quite cute, some of them had little booties on because their feet got blisters and they had trouble walking. Then we took a ride in this Antarctic vehicle that could do all sorts of crazy things, like float and propel itself in the water, drive across 2 metre gaps and go up and down crazy inclines.

That is really it for the NZ adventure, next weekend I am going to Sydney to do all the touristy things, so I will be sure to take pictures of that.

Also, sorry about the copy and pasting of the links... Blogger is starting to aggravate me.

Monday, August 2, 2010

5 1/2 hours later and I am in Armidale

This past weekend i decided to take a drive down south to Armidale in New South Wales. And for those of you who can't be bothered to open up google maps i have done the hard work for you.

View Larger Map

I went down there to visit a friend of mine from Miami. She (Katie) is down here doing chemistry research at the University of New England. Since she was leaving the following weekend i felt it would be necessary to drive down and experience another part of Australia. It was a long 5 1/2 hour drive but my goodness was it pretty! It was kind of like a combination of driving through the Indiana corn fields and the rolling hills of North Carolina with mountains in the distance. Just mind blowingly beautiful.
(side note, i have spent the last 30 minutes trying to get this stupid website to let me upload that picture but it had no desire to)

I arrived there around 7 pm on friday and Katie's roommates (local Australians) were having a BBQ and asked me to join. Katie was one lucky girl i tell you, her roommates cooked every night and it was always fantastic. Any hoo, we went out to one of the two bars in the town and hung out for a little while. It was a much different bar scene than i was used to but that is the point of traveling places right?! The following day was rainy and gross, but we went to this huge gorge. There was this 100ft (estimation, may be more) waterfall.

That night we hung out at Katie's house and taught her roommates to play quarters, with actual quarters. so that was alot of fun, by the end of it the two roommates were so competitive that they were screaming and going crazy if they lost. After that, it was just a long drive home. So there is my weekend!

Next weekend i will be going to New Zealand for some skiing, so be sure to tune in for that update!