Monday, August 23, 2010

I am a negligent blogger

So, after a two week hiatus I have returned to you with some exciting news... well, not really, just the run of the mill travel update. Two weeks ago I went to a local rugby league game with some guys from Ferno. We had just a lovely time watching the game, eating some good food, and enjoying some refreshing libations. On a sad note, our team lost quite badly, never-the-less, a good time was had by all.

Just this past weekend I ventured to Sydney to do some touristy stuff like the harbour bridge and the Opera house. I met up with some Culver people (Rogelio Lemarroy and Alex Bell) and had an awesome time with both of them. Alex was my very well prepared tour guide, taking me to Bondi beach and the Blue mountains, as well as some fantastic downtown Sydney driving tours. While Rogelio and his friends refreshed my spanish all weekend with some crazy cool clubs and some mind boggling delicious kebabs. This past weekend has easily been the best weekend I have had in Australia (Katie, yours was a close second). It was nice to see some familiar faces even if I had not seen them for years before this past weekend. I truly can not wait to go back in three weeks for the last tri-nations game and enjoy the city once again.

And once again I am tired of Blogger and am not going to bother to try and figure out how to upload pictures and just provide you with a link

Elin, as promised, posted before midnight my time

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