Monday, August 30, 2010

What an awful weekend

So this past weekend was absolutely awful! Thursday is technically when my weekend starts, and to start my weekend I had to leave my one and only class early because I did not think I would be able to make it through the entire thing.

It was a nice day out, partly cloudy, with a temperature around 68 degrees. As I was barely stumbling back to my apartment at 10:45 a.m. drenched in sweat. I felt horrible, I considered jumping into the Brisbane river on the way back just to stop the pain, and to put that into perspective... there are sharks in the water that was 35 feet below the bridge. After making it back to my room I downed a couple bottles of water and ran through the shower. I slept for as long as I could in the direct line of the air conditioning only to wake up once again drenched in sweat.

I had a temperature of 99.9 the first night I took it. I drank more water, slept a full night and took some advil only to wake up the next morning with a temperature of 101.4. I could not win, I stayed in bed the entirety of the weekend either sweating or getting horrible shakes. On the bright side, I think I lost 15 lbs... mainly because I could not eat.

Things to look forward to.
1. Getting a different car for a temporary time tomorrow. It is a 6 wheeled car (not a duely truck). I will be sure to include pictures on my next update of my new driving conquest.
2. River fire this weekend. Heaps of fireworks over the Brisbane River, and they do a dump and burn with a jet fighter. Which is when they drop a stream of gas from a fighter jet and they burn it as it falls. I hear it is crazy cool.
3. Turning in my Marketing project on Russia!!!

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