Monday, September 6, 2010

River Fire!!

Ok so, the premise of River Fire is that everyone goes to the river banks and gets drunk then watches the city shoot off fireworks. There were thousands of people as close to the river as they could possibly get.

Now fireworks don't get me very excited seeing as I was spoiled with Kings Island fireworks every night of the summer with a fantastic view from my back yard. But River Fire had something entirely different to offer me. They had something called a dump and burn! It is when a fighter jet flies over the Brisbane River (quite low mind you) and is burning a stream of fuel behind it. It was so cool to see first hand. The video below does not do it much justice seeing as it is just a ball of light moving across the sky, but it was really cool.

There were some cool fireworks that they were shooting off of a bridge too. Which is something I am not used to. So yeah, that is River Fire, and it was really cool.

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