Tuesday, September 21, 2010

AHHH! I have my highs and my lows

I know, I know, it has been almost 2 weeks since my last update, and currently I dont have my new pictures uploaded to my computer, but I do have a couple I can throw at you.

Quick recap of the festivities and events of the recent past. Two weekends ago I was back in Sydney with Rogelio and his amigos. I was there for the All Blacks vs. The Wallabys final Tri-Nations game. It really was a blast, due to the consensus of half the group I ended up wearing an All Blacks jersey.

The game was amazing! The All Blacks were down two trys and two extra points with 15 minutes left in the game. It appeared to be a blow out, but then the All Blacks had a surge and pulled ahead by 1 point with 2 minutes left. It was crazy stressful.

Just a photo of the whole group after the game.

After the game I had another first time experience. We went to this club called "The Club" (a little arrogant, I know, but it was jam packed and had a line out the door). We got to skip the line and did not have to pay the $25 cover. We sat down at our reserved table and got bottle service. It was outrageous! We had a lot of fun despite our lack of energy after the game.

(the guy kind of ruined the crappy cell phone picture, but no complaints.)

On the Sunday night in Sydney Rogelio and I went over by the opera house and saw this crazy man doing some kind of dance with a big back hoe (the video is on my camera card and will be uploaded later). But more importantly I got the shot I have been dying to get, the picture as if I was at the dentist office in Finding Nemo. It was pretty cool.

All in all, it was an amazing weekend. This quick post was just to hold you over for a couple days as I need to finish one more assignment worth 40% of my final grade. I am visiting Ayres Rock and Fiji this weekend and the following week for our "Spring Break". So depending on internet access I will update as I can. And to put a smile on your face for the remainder of the week, this is a picture that we took on our walk to one of the bars on Friday night in Sydney.

This a bum passed out on a bus bench with a beer bottle by his face. His glasses are a little reflective, but they were like goggles! This was taken around... 10:30-11:00 at night.

Till this weekend, enjoy yourselves!

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