Thursday, September 2, 2010

Mt. Coot-tha

Just yesterday I took a little drive in my 6 wheeled car (as pictured above) to Mt. Coot-tha. It is a mountain just outside of Brisbane that overlooks the entire city

There were some amazing driving roads on the way up, blind corners, S bends and dips that I really enjoyed driving. At the top of the mountain they had a bar and restaurant, but I did not stop and have anything to eat, just took my pictures and continued on my beautiful drive. There were also the three main news stations on my drive up, so that was cool to see where they were and that they were all so close together.

Other than that little adventure I took no other news. Just River Fire tomorrow (after my Business Law exam) and Sydney next week. I will be sure to update soon after River Fire and try and upload a video of the dump and burn.

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