Saturday, June 19, 2010

First Night in Japan

14 hours of flying, 8 hours of sleep, and 3 movies later i touched down in Tokyo. Most of yesterday was a blur seeing as jet lag tried to claim my night (which i would not allow). Got off the plane, claimed my bags, worked my way through security, customs, and immigration and onto a train to my hotel. i have never ridden more public transportation in my life. It was one train after another after another. Once i got to the hotel mari and i went to get something to eat... sushi of course, and i forgot to take pictures of the meal, so sorry about that. then we met up with some of her friends and went out to a club for a while. Around 1:30 i grabbed a taxi home and wandered up to bed finally after a long day.
Just an FYI...
1) commercials over here are the best thing ever
2) The toilets are CRAZY!! (picture to follow)
3) Girls really do dress up in little princess outfits and fairy outfits like in the movies

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