Monday, June 28, 2010

Sorry it took so long

Sorry i have not posted in a while, I have just been trying to enjoy every bit of japan that i can.... and i have found that computers have no place in that when you want to walk around a beautiful city like Tokyo! Anyways, did a lot of fun stuff since my last post. I went to dinner with Mari's friends from her old school. We went to a place where you cooked your food on a hot griddle right in front of you, kind of like hibachi places, except you do the cooking. so that was really cool. I also spent a day with Nita-san, who works for Ferno Japan, we went to Mt. Fuji and took a scenic boat right around a beautiful lake. then we drove up a mountain a little bit and we bought eggs that were black... they turn black when they are hard boiled in the hot springs on this mountain. In my opinion... they were better than normal hard boiled eggs, but i digress. We also saw a shrine and a temple (Mari told me the difference but i cant remember what it is). Those two were pretty cool, we threw some money at Buddha, waved smoke over our head, and go a fortune out of a drawer.
On my last day, mari and i went and did these photo booth things that are at like carnivals and what not in the states... but they are HUGE in japan. Huge as in, it is sunday and we have to wait in line to do these picture things. Then we went to the busiest intersection in the world, the one they drift through in "The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift"... sooooooo cool, and to top it off, i saw a Nissan GTR go through the intersection.
i then had to say goodbye to that lovely girlfriend of mine and make my way onto a 9 hour flight. The plane was smaller than the first flight i took... so that made sleeping impossible seeing as my knees were in my chest and the back of the seat in front of me was in my face. But i survived to make my connection which was delayed. And i finally landed in Cairns, Australia, checked into my hotel (only $20 a night... awesome!) and i am just about to go grab a bite to eat. so you all enjoy your day because i sure as hell am enjoying the 80 degree sunny with a slight breeze Australian weather.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for keeping us posted! sure makes the fact that you are so far away easier to deal with! Love you!
