Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Held a Koala and pet a Kangaroo

So, got up nice and early this morning and went to breakfast. Nothing exciting, just some toast and peanut butter. Had the option for some vegimite but decided it was not time yet. We had our second session for how we are going to be living in Australia rather than traveling here... so that was a little depressing. But after that we went out on this rainforestation thing which was pretty cool. I hung out with some kangaroos and even got to hold a koala, i also had a snake draped around my neck... but that is no where near as cool as the other two. And i would love to put up some pictures to show you all but at the moment i am not able to use my computer and the ones i am using do not allow me to upload pictures from external drives... damn you internet cafes!!! We took a ride in this boat called a duck or something. it was an amphibious vehicle. so- half of it was on land and the other half on the water. mainly looking at some crazy plants and what not. I am just about to go learn how to play cricket. so im pretty pumped about that. so for now, you all will have to do with this short little post and wait until i have another adventure or am able to upload photos.

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