Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Microsoft SmackDown

So today I went to an event that my school was putting on. It was a geeky event sponsored by Microsoft. There were a couple of different speakers talking about a couple of new and exciting projects. First, Xbox Kinect. Which if you do not know what it is, look it up. It is a super cool motion sensor that you hook up to your 360 that allows your body to become the controller. A cool demo video is below.

We also got to look at and play with the Microsoft Surface computer. It is this really cool interactive table computer. And if you just so happen to be in Las Vegas, there is one in the Hard Rock hotel's bar that you can use to order drinks for yourself and other tables. But there is so much more it can do, which you can check out in the video below.

Also we got to see and play with the new Windows 7 phone. Which, I know a lot of you are kind of sketched out about seeing as it is a Windows phone and in the past they have done worse than awful. But it was super smooth and really good looking. And since I have two other videos already in here, lets go with another one. This is the Windows 7 phone ad, quite realistic if you ask me... silly crackberry users.

Monday, October 25, 2010

A stop at the Australia Zoo

So I know this post was posted just a couple minutes after the previous one, but I knew if I did not do it now while I was sitting on my butt doing nothing it would never get posted.

Sooooo, I finished classes and had no idea what to do with all of my new found free time. So I browsed the all knowing Google and found the Australia Zoo to be just an hours drive north from me. Figured, "Hey, why not!?". So I jumped in my car and went for a lovely drive up north to the Sunshine Coast and enjoyed some wild life. I was amazed though when I first arrived that the first exhibit I had to go through was the "American Alligators"... I was kind of at a loss for words, I came all the way to Australia and I am now looking at some alligators. Oh well, got passed them and saw all sorts of fun things, a Tasmanian Devil, a REAL bearcat (Cincinnati), and the most active little otters. I picked up a couple presents for some of you characters back home and was on my way.

After the zoo, I mad a quick stop off at a go cart track and had a couple fun laps. Then took my scenic drive home. A simple easy weekend with no dramas. This week, there is a Microsoft sponsored event called SmackDown on Wednesday that I am quite excited for, and on Saturday I am going to to the Gold Coast to hang out with some new people I met. So I am quite looking forward to that!

Until then, enjoy the increasingly colder weather back home, it is starting to get hot down here.

Quick flash back to Adelaide!

Last we talked, I was riding a bus to Kangaroo Island. I have since returned from my Adelaide and Kangaroo Island trip and am happy to report I had an amazing time! When we got to KI we went on a nice safari like tour, looking at kangaroos, koalas, and other cute and cuddly animals. We had just a lovely time!

For instance, the picture above was taken in one of the shops we stopped into. A tour guide was just walking around with this bag and set it down. Then a little baby kangaroo popped his head out and said hello. He was cute as could be!

We wandered around the island for a while checking out sea lions and New Zealand fur seals and all sorts of other fun animals. Then we went to this area they call the Remarkable Rocks. Limestone had busted through the earths surface and over time, the elements wore it down in a weird way. It was really unbelievable.

After KI we went to the Barossa Valley. Which is one of the more famous wine regions in Australia. We tasted a whole bunch of wines and picked up a couple bottles. All in all, my journey to Adelaide was complete... except I did not get to see any penguins :(

Ohhhhh and I also forgot to mention that we went to a "professional" basketball game while we were there. To be honest, it was quite a sad showing, more of a mix between high school and D2 basketball... But a great experience none the less.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Beach Monsoons and a little trip to Adelaide

Good morning all, I am coming to you from a tour bus heading for kangaroo island. But more about that later. I have to update you on what I have been up to in the 12/13 day break I have taken once again from my blogging persona.

Last week I went out to Morton Island with a couple people from Ferno. We took our 4WD cars out to the beach and did some wonderful beach driving even though the Brisbane area had their record rain fall recorded in October in just a mere 3 days. So it was a reallllly rainy and windy weekend on the island to say the least. On the bright side I got to meet a whole bunch of families that I had been looking forward to meeting, and i got to do a whole heap of beach driving, which was nice to get used to again.

Minus the outrageous rain and wind, I had a great time. We played lots of poker (I came out even) drank plenty, and had some great food.

This weekend I am going down to kangaroo island to see some sea lions, penguins, and walruses. It should be a great time, and I will be sure to put pictures up as soon as I can!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Retun from my first spring break

Last we talked, I was preparing to leave for my spring break. First stop, Ayers Rock aka, Uluru. My bags were lost when I got there, but that was no big deal, I got them later the following day and got $60 from the airport, so that was nice. I took a beautiful motorcycle ride to the Ulgers (another rock formation out there) then rode over to Ayers Rock to get a couple pictures. I thought about climbing some of it, but since the only shoes I had were Sperrys, I decided against it. It was a beautiful clear day and made for a great ride (sorry mom and Mari the 4WD got booked before I could sign up)

The Ulgers

Ayers Rock

Other than those two big rocks, there is nothing out there... I am really glad that I was only there for two nights.

After the big rocks it was on to Fiji!!!
It was soooo hot and humid there i could hardly believe it, it was like a Culver summer. I stayed at the Hinton Resort and spa, it was so pretty! And it was on its own private island!

View Larger Map

This was my view while I was having breakfast.

To say the least it was a beautiful, peaceful, and relaxing spring break! It was also nice because I had no internet connection, so other than my daily calls from Mari, I had no contact with anyone outside of the island.

Hopefully I will be updating soon, this weekend I am going to some sand island for a weekend of 4WD and fishing, so that should be plenty of fun!