Monday, October 25, 2010

Quick flash back to Adelaide!

Last we talked, I was riding a bus to Kangaroo Island. I have since returned from my Adelaide and Kangaroo Island trip and am happy to report I had an amazing time! When we got to KI we went on a nice safari like tour, looking at kangaroos, koalas, and other cute and cuddly animals. We had just a lovely time!

For instance, the picture above was taken in one of the shops we stopped into. A tour guide was just walking around with this bag and set it down. Then a little baby kangaroo popped his head out and said hello. He was cute as could be!

We wandered around the island for a while checking out sea lions and New Zealand fur seals and all sorts of other fun animals. Then we went to this area they call the Remarkable Rocks. Limestone had busted through the earths surface and over time, the elements wore it down in a weird way. It was really unbelievable.

After KI we went to the Barossa Valley. Which is one of the more famous wine regions in Australia. We tasted a whole bunch of wines and picked up a couple bottles. All in all, my journey to Adelaide was complete... except I did not get to see any penguins :(

Ohhhhh and I also forgot to mention that we went to a "professional" basketball game while we were there. To be honest, it was quite a sad showing, more of a mix between high school and D2 basketball... But a great experience none the less.

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