Thursday, October 14, 2010

Beach Monsoons and a little trip to Adelaide

Good morning all, I am coming to you from a tour bus heading for kangaroo island. But more about that later. I have to update you on what I have been up to in the 12/13 day break I have taken once again from my blogging persona.

Last week I went out to Morton Island with a couple people from Ferno. We took our 4WD cars out to the beach and did some wonderful beach driving even though the Brisbane area had their record rain fall recorded in October in just a mere 3 days. So it was a reallllly rainy and windy weekend on the island to say the least. On the bright side I got to meet a whole bunch of families that I had been looking forward to meeting, and i got to do a whole heap of beach driving, which was nice to get used to again.

Minus the outrageous rain and wind, I had a great time. We played lots of poker (I came out even) drank plenty, and had some great food.

This weekend I am going down to kangaroo island to see some sea lions, penguins, and walruses. It should be a great time, and I will be sure to put pictures up as soon as I can!

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