Sunday, November 14, 2010

Taipei airport and last post for this long trip

Currently sitting in the Taipei airport waiting for my 11:40 pm flight to start boarding. Then sit through an 11 hour flight... I had a good last couple days in Bali, enjoyed the rest of the meetings, had some great food, and enjoyed dad's birthday. It was just too damn hot to tell you the truth. I walked outside and I immediately started sweating, it was so painful to just be outside.

Well, I am going to grab a quick bite to eat and prepare myself for this long flight. In less than 13 hours I will be in the good old U.S. of A. Hopefully I will see you all soon, and thank you for following along on my adventure.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Uneventful flight out of Brisbane into Bali

Not a whole lot to report, a nice 6 hour flight out of Brisbane and into Bali. I walked off the plane and got hit in the face with 100% humidity and a blazing sun. While I am not complaining, seeing as I am in Bali, I will say I do not handle heat very well, so I have been doing my fair share of sweating. We had a lovely dinner by the beach and had a whole lot of good conversation. Today was mainly business meetings for Ferno. It is really cool to be able to see the different aspects of the company and all the different products. It is also so cool to meet so many people from so many places! I am currently listening to the Ferno Italy managing director with his very heavy Italian accent. As for tonight, there is not a whole lot on the docket, product demo and testing time, happy hour in our room, dinner by the pool, and lastly a massage at 9:30. For now that is all, I will do my best to snap some pictures and upload them, but I don't know if my camera can handle the humidity

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Last post in Australia!

Hello boys and girls, I just got back from a weekend trip to Melbourne. It was great, I stayed down town in the heart of Melbourne, so I got to see much of the city life. I went to the Melbourne Museum, which if you were unaware, is one of the best museums I have ever been to. There was so much to see and so much to do. I spent 4 hours there and still did not see everything. Oh and did I mention it was free for students? Awesome!
I went atop the Eureka Skydeck, which is the highest public viewpoint in the southern hemisphere at around 950 feet.

It was really cool because there were about 25 peep holes that you could look through that were positioned on major buildings, parks, bridges, and various other things around Melbourne. So it was nice to look out from that height and know exactly what you were looking at.

I also spent some time with an older gentleman and his wife who live on the outskirts of Melbourne. He went to Culver back in the day and was nice enough to invite me over to his house for a night. It was a whole lot of fun. We had an excellent meal, delicious wine, and great conversation. The following morning I made my way to Monash University to meet up with a guy that I did the orientation program with in Cairns. I had not seen him since July, so it was good to catch up with him and talk about the different things we had done and the differences between the schools. Later that day, I made my way back to my hotel for an easy night before my early flight the next morning.

Well, this is my last post that I will do while being in Australia. The next posts will come to you from Bali!!!

Friday, November 5, 2010

South Stradbroke Island

This past weekend I spent the night on South Stradbroke Island with Gordon family. They have a house just off the water that they spend a couple weekends at every year. It was beautiful! The house opened up almost completely to let in all the fresh air. We went for a jetski ride and I got thrown off the tube (they call it a biscuit...) by Tom. We did a fair bit of fishing, and of course I came up empty handed on every adventure we had with poles. One of the best parts of the weekend was the last two hours or so we were there, we went out on Mr. Gordon's sail boat. It was a beautiful boat that was a replica of one that he used to sail in Dubai. He even let me skipper it, it was amazing and relaxing! I will work on finding out exactly what it is.

The rest of the week I did not do a whole lot, I had a final on that Monday and another one on Thursday. But now I am finished with classes till January 11th, or whenever Miami goes back to school after Christmas break.

I am currently sitting on a train on my way to the airport for my flight to Melbourne, so it would take forever for me to upload pictures. So when I get another chance to upload pictures I will be sure to do that.

In other news, I will be touching down in Cincinnati in less than 10 days! See most of you then!

Update: The beautiful boat was a standing lugsail yawl rig.