Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Last post in Australia!

Hello boys and girls, I just got back from a weekend trip to Melbourne. It was great, I stayed down town in the heart of Melbourne, so I got to see much of the city life. I went to the Melbourne Museum, which if you were unaware, is one of the best museums I have ever been to. There was so much to see and so much to do. I spent 4 hours there and still did not see everything. Oh and did I mention it was free for students? Awesome!
I went atop the Eureka Skydeck, which is the highest public viewpoint in the southern hemisphere at around 950 feet.

It was really cool because there were about 25 peep holes that you could look through that were positioned on major buildings, parks, bridges, and various other things around Melbourne. So it was nice to look out from that height and know exactly what you were looking at.

I also spent some time with an older gentleman and his wife who live on the outskirts of Melbourne. He went to Culver back in the day and was nice enough to invite me over to his house for a night. It was a whole lot of fun. We had an excellent meal, delicious wine, and great conversation. The following morning I made my way to Monash University to meet up with a guy that I did the orientation program with in Cairns. I had not seen him since July, so it was good to catch up with him and talk about the different things we had done and the differences between the schools. Later that day, I made my way back to my hotel for an easy night before my early flight the next morning.

Well, this is my last post that I will do while being in Australia. The next posts will come to you from Bali!!!

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