Sunday, November 14, 2010

Taipei airport and last post for this long trip

Currently sitting in the Taipei airport waiting for my 11:40 pm flight to start boarding. Then sit through an 11 hour flight... I had a good last couple days in Bali, enjoyed the rest of the meetings, had some great food, and enjoyed dad's birthday. It was just too damn hot to tell you the truth. I walked outside and I immediately started sweating, it was so painful to just be outside.

Well, I am going to grab a quick bite to eat and prepare myself for this long flight. In less than 13 hours I will be in the good old U.S. of A. Hopefully I will see you all soon, and thank you for following along on my adventure.

1 comment:

  1. It was a good ride. We all loved hearing about your adventures.Kthxbye.
