Thursday, November 11, 2010

Uneventful flight out of Brisbane into Bali

Not a whole lot to report, a nice 6 hour flight out of Brisbane and into Bali. I walked off the plane and got hit in the face with 100% humidity and a blazing sun. While I am not complaining, seeing as I am in Bali, I will say I do not handle heat very well, so I have been doing my fair share of sweating. We had a lovely dinner by the beach and had a whole lot of good conversation. Today was mainly business meetings for Ferno. It is really cool to be able to see the different aspects of the company and all the different products. It is also so cool to meet so many people from so many places! I am currently listening to the Ferno Italy managing director with his very heavy Italian accent. As for tonight, there is not a whole lot on the docket, product demo and testing time, happy hour in our room, dinner by the pool, and lastly a massage at 9:30. For now that is all, I will do my best to snap some pictures and upload them, but I don't know if my camera can handle the humidity

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