Sunday, June 3, 2012


It has been quite a while since I have posted on my travel blog, but I am back at it! Currently sitting on a train in Ireland going from Galway to Tullamore. I began this trip with a couple day layover in NYC to visit my good friend Stephen and to experience the big city life that is New York City. If I am honest, I was surprised by how comfortable I was there. As some of you know, I hate big cities, I hate the pace, the attitude, and the harshness of them. But there was something a little different about being there. I arrived in NYC around 2:30pm, and was quickly called by Stephen and informed that I should walk to his apartment and get ready to go out for the day. So I dropped my bags and proceeded to get lost on my ten block walk through Times Square towards Columbus Circle. Upon arriving I was handed an ice cold Budweiser and instructed to drink. We then went to a street fair in Hell's Kitchen that was serving some amazing food and drink where we spent some time gorging ourselves. The street fair turned into a patio bar which turned into a college bar, which turned into a karaoke bar,which turned into........ well I don't honestly remember much after this. I vaguely remember returning to my hotel room at four in the morning after having shut down two Irish pubs. The following day consisted of rain, and lots of if. I guess New York was preparing me for Ireland. I decided to check out The Museum of Natural History, only to find what seemed like millions of small school children, were not the best thing for my debilitating hangover. I then hopped a cab over to MoMA and found myself wishing the little children were screaming at me rather than this "modern art" I have never thought so hard while staring at a pile of folded blankets. I did find a piece that I really like though.
After Stephen got off work We met up with another Culver friend and went out for some dinner and drinks. And what I thought would be a slow evening, due to my need to be at the Indian consulate at nine the next morning, I once again found myself closing down another bar and crawling into bed at five in the morning. I must say, for a city that never sleeps, you guys sure close your bars early. I mean... a fat white boy from Ohio is complaining about how early last call is. After successfully making my appointment with the consulate I went straight back to bed. I took the subway to Battery Park to catch a glimpse at a beautiful woman
Saw the current state of the Freedom Tower/WTC 1
I then finished my night by meeting up with some friends I met while studying in Australia. We went and saw our first Yankee game where we brought them some much needed luck and spent excessive amounts of money on $12 beers.
I woke the next morning, checked my passport and prepared for my flight to Ireland. That post to follow. Sorry for the length, so much going on!

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