Monday, June 18, 2012

Cliffs of Moher

So, seeing as I have been in India for almost a week now, I figue I should finish up my Ireland posts and move into the India post. So this should be my second to last Ireland post.

We shall start with a journey to the Aillwee cave. Apparently found by a man who went chasing after his dog. He proceeded into a cave no one had ever found with nothing but a candle (and I would assume a bottle of whisky). The greedy old man kept the cave a secret for 30 some years before deciding to tell some geology students about it. Obviously they went crazy and immediately began exploration into the cave.

It was  a really cool place to visit, the pathway was constructed completely by the water running though it. With the exception of the tour exit, the whole cave was naturally made.

After the tour we got some amazing cheese made from the milk of local cows. Following the trip to Aillwee cave, we went to the Cliffs of Moher. The cliffs are quite a big tourist attraction, and they are exactly what they claim to be... cliffs.

We showed up on a less than desirable typical rainy Irish day. There was quite a climb to the top of the cliffs. But once up there, there was a beautiful view.

Next post will come shortly, and will cover a concert I never thought I would ever go to. Stay tuned!

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