Monday, June 25, 2012

A Little Mid-Week Update

While I would love to tell you I have visited another amazing Indian city, I sadly can not.

I have spent the past week preparing for the students to show up. Most of my time at the office has been spent wandering around reading posters and asking random people about the university. Today is the first day that students have been on campus. The first years arrived this morning and are currently going through orientation. I was present for a little bit, but I was bored to tears by the first speaker, so I took a break to do a little update.

This past weekend I met up with a family friend named Jai. We went out for a nice dinner and had a really nice Cuban cigar after dinner. Jai is like my Indian twin. Like me, he is a huge fan of cars. And what do you know, he loves cigars. Before I came here I thought I would have to live on the few cigars I brought. But alas, I was lucky enough to run into one of the few people that smoke cigars. One of the other wonderful things about hanging out with Jai is that we usually go somewhere we can get meat. My diet has been entirely vegetarian since I have been here, but anytime I go out with Jai, I am able to get some kind of meat. It is a huge relief to know that I have someone I can go to that will take me to get some delicious meat. I will say though, I have chosen not to eat any beef while I am here. So it has been quite a challenge for me. Regardless, the meal from Leela Palace Hotel was amazing

Past that, I went over to my friend Dinesh's flat and had a few beers with him and his flat mates. I was then told to get in the car to go for a quick run to the liquor store. As it turned out, Dinesh and his friends decided that at 1 in the morning we were going to drive to McDonalds in Delhi (a 30 minute drive). It was not all that bad, they only had a couple options on the menu. There was a veggie burger, chicken burger, fish filet, and spicy chicken. I opted for the chicken burger and some shake shake fries... which turned out to just be fries.

Well there is a little update for you to wet your whistle to. I hope to be able to update you with some meaningful information soon. Enjoy! 

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